Using this system of modular housing (via Antoine Proust), you can fit one person in one "cube" made of bio-resin. These cubes are 1m x 1m x 2.5m. One of the main costs is solar panels to provide electricity for these housings. If it is a single house, it will have one solar panel wired to the unit. However, the cost for two is less as there will only be one solar panel necessary to power both housing units. These cubes can be easily rearranged to accomodate any needs/size of the family. Once received, these components of the unit can be constructed within minutes. It only takes two or three people to assemble. These components will be shipped to the location of the families with drones (and sometimes trucks) along with HomeBlock volunteer members to help them assemble the unit.

One-Person Housing Unit

Cost: $1,000 Purchase

Two-Person Housing Unit

Cost: $2,000 Purchase

Three-Person Housing Unit

Cost: $3,000 Purchase

Family Housing Unit

Cost: $4,000 Purchase

These are the costs as of now. In the near future, we can expect to cut the prices to at least half once these units are suitable for mass production.

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